Tutorial: How to draw a dreamy little girl!

Today, I teach you how to make a pretty dreamy little girl very simply! For this tutorial, a printer sheet and a lead pencil will do!

Let's go!

So what did you think of those 15 minutes? Are you surprised at what can be done in such a short time? As I told you in the video, drawing can really become very simple when you follow the steps.

I can't tell you enough: the important thing is to have regular practice and to draw frequently!

My advice: Give yourself small challenges every day of 5 to 10 minutes, even if it's only a few times a week, you will quickly see a real difference in your drawings.

If you want to get started now and receive even more tutorials of this kind, know that my magazine Evasion Dessin offers you several written drawing tutorials every month that will be perfect for getting you to practice in a regularly, without having to spend hours looking for content, and to take action directly! Click here to discover all that it can offer you!



Merci pour tout vos conseils, c’est un plaisir de les mettre en pratique


Merci pour tout vos conseils, c’est un plaisir de les mettre en pratique


J’ai bien aimé ce 15 minutes. Tu expliques très bien. Merci beaucoup!


J’ai beaucoup aimée mais je ne voit pas complètement sur mon cellulaire et je ne sait jamais où mettre les oreilles. Quel est le coût pour recevoir les tutoriels?

Marie-Florence Saint-Laurent

Merci , oui j’ai bien aimé.
Et la j’ai trouvé où ce cachait tes projets. LOl.
Ça pris un certain temps mais la je vais essayé plein dessins

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