5 ideas for drawing outside your home!

With the arrival of summer, you may have already wondered how you were going to be able to continue to carry out your artistic activities while leaving your home. It is certain that with the beautiful sunny days, we are especially tempted to go out and enjoy the outdoors with the family!

Today, I'm here to show you that it's totally possible to take your passion for drawing…outside! And yes ! Drawing outdoors can be a refreshing and inspiring experience, and it's a lot easier than you might think 😇.

In this article, I give you five tips and ideas for drawing outside and making the most of your creativity under the sun!

Go explore the surrounding landscapes 🌻:

Imagine yourself…You wake up on a beautiful sunny morning, and you decide to go and settle in the park near your home to breathe the good fresh air, and admire the surrounding nature! It can even be at the edge of a lake, at the cottage, or even in your garden, there is nothing like taking the time to observe the details that surround us and reconnect with the present moment!

It's also a wonderful way to practice your sense of observation, a crucial skill to polish when learning to draw! So take the time to look at the detail of the surrounding trees, flowers, streams or mountains. Capture the beauty of these landscapes using your pencil or even your brushes.

You'll be amazed at how fresh air and natural elements can boost your creativity!

Practice the quick sketch:

When you're outside, it can be harder to stay still for long periods of time. This is why practicing quick sketching can be a great trick.

Observe the people, the markets or even the people sitting in the café, and try to capture their gestures and expressions with a few quick pencil strokes.

Not only will it help you improve your observation skills, but it will also add a touch of life and spontaneity to your sketches. If you feel more in the mood to draw nature, why not sketch the leaves of the trees, or the flowers around you? Or, by drawing the birds while letting you be lulled by their song?

The sketching possibilities are endless! All you have to do is let your imagination run wild!

If you're wondering how to draw during the summer, I recommend my Summer Sketching course which will give you several ideas to draw outdoors (in the form of challenges to do at your own pace)!

Experiment with mediums:

If you follow me, you know how much I insist on the importance of variety in drawing! Drawing outdoors is a wonderful opportunity to explore different artistic mediums!

Try working with colored pencils, watercolors, pastels or even markers! Each medium has its own unique characteristics and will allow you to express your creativity in different ways, depending on your mood at the time!

Have fun mixing colors, playing with textures and creating interesting effects in your artwork.

Create an artistic travel diary:

And why not turn your outdoor drawing experience into an artistic travel diary?

Bring a dedicated sketchbook, and write down whatever comes to mind. Whether it's your drawings, your thoughts, your feelings, or even your impressions of the places you visit..

Keeping a travel diary is a great way to create beautiful, emotional memories that you will have a lot of fun looking at later with your children, or grandchildren!

And then, what pride you will feel at the idea that all this will be the fruit of your creativity!

Organize a drawing session with family or friends:

Drawing outdoors doesn't have to be a solitary activity, and nothing prevents you from transforming your artistic session into a real moment of sharing!

Share your learnings, your trials, your feelings, and use these sessions to motivate yourself and further explore your creativity! Drawing in a group can create a stimulating dynamic!

I hope these 5 ideas have given you the urge to grab your sketchbook and get out there to draw! In any case, I look forward to reading your comments below!

So, are you going to draw outside too? Do you have any other ideas to share?

See you soon !

Florence xx



Bien avec ces belles idées énoncées je ne dessinerai pas toute seule, je vais inviter toute la gagne avec moi à faire des croquis ! Chacun choisira son médium… À suivre !


Bien avec ces belles idées énoncées je ne dessinerai pas toute seule, je vais inviter toute la gagne avec moi à faire des croquis ! Chacun choisira son médium… À suivre !

Hélène Gagnon

J’aime bien la pluie, j’adore Le Soleil😉

Claire Parent

N’oubliez pas la lotion solaire et le chasse moustiques pour pouvoir jouir de ce beau temps.
Les jours de pluie tu peux mettre en dessin tes sentiments . Aimes-tu la pluie chaude d’été ou es-ce que la pluie te rend triste.

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